There's More to MASCARA than Meets the Eye

How to use the eyelash curler – a step-by-step guide

Some women have naturally beautiful eyelashes and a good-quality mascara is enough to emphasize it. Unfortunately, others are not that lucky and must try harder. With the second group of women in mind, the eyelash curler was created. It is a mechanical device used for curling eyelashes. In fact, it resembles small scissors, but without the blades.

How to use the eyelash curler properly?

  1. There are two basic types: traditional and heated curlers. If we have the traditional one, we can also make it warm by using a stream of warm air from a dryer or putting it for a few seconds in fire. Heating the eyelash curler provides eyelashes with a long-lasting effect.
  2. Make sure to curl lashes before putting on mascara to avoid lash breakage
  3. Most women grab the eyelash curler with the thumb and forefinger, while it would be better to replace the first finger with the middle one. In this way you gain more control.
  4. Rest your hand and eyelash curler on your cheek so that the hand is stable. Any uncontrolled movement can make eyelashes break.
  5. Grab the upper eyelashes with the eyelash curler. The lower ones are usually curled naturally.
  6. Firmly squeeze the eyelashes with eyelash curler and wait about 10 seconds, then loosen your grip. Then move the eyelash curler a little lower and squeeze again. Repeat the procedure and go lower. Thanks to this, the eyelashes will be slightly curled, but not unnaturally bent.

Does using the eyelash curler damage eyelashes?

Basically, no. Some damage may occur due to its improper use, for example, when you use the device on painted eyelashes, move away from the eye the eyelash curler with your eyelashes squeezed in or simply your hands shake.

How to take care of the eyelash curler?

To make sure that the eyelash curler is safe for your health, systematically, preferably every 2 months, replace the protective pads. Even if they do not look worn after this period, bacteria accumulate on them, which can cause an eye infection.